
“Kahinda Otafire is a thief” says former Attorney general George W. Kanyeihamba


Retired Supreme Court judge and author uncle George as he is commonly known in some circles is one of Uganda’s most respected legislators and senior citizen.

He is remembered for chairing the legal committee of the constituent assembly that made the 1995 constitution but he is also not short of controversy.

In the past Mr Kanyeihamba and Gen Kahinda Otafire have been at loggerheads with the former alleging that the latter owes him over a billion Uganda shillings claims which the general refuted.

Kahinda Otafiire. PHOTO/COURTESY

Now, in a recent interview run on YouTube channel Extra Digest Mugobansonga, the proffesor again came out and made fresh allegations and said the general is a thief.

“The minister who is in charge of the police, Kahinda Otafire is a thief, he stole my money. President Museveni knows it. He stole my money 10 million cheque.”

“At the time he was the minister of Justice and by the way he is my relative, we share one great grandfather, he is not a Munyankole, he is a Mukiga like me.”

“We are related by blood but he stole my money 10million shillings, then when they questioned him including his colleagues in government, he told them that I was sick and and I was dying and therefore I am telling lies but having said that, he returned the 10 million to my bank account, ask the bank Barclays.”

The retired Judge also said the general still owes him 210 million because he was his lawyer and he never paid him a penny.

We now wait to see if the minister of internal affairs will respond to these very strong allegations. At the time of publishing this, we tried contacting the general on all his known contacts for a comment but all his contacts were unavailable.

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