
“A UPDF general attacked and killed students at Kichwamba, not ADF rebels” Tamale Mirundi

Nakibuule Bonita

In 1998 June 8th, the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels attacked Kichwamba Technical Institute in Kabarole.

The rebels set student’s dormitories on fire and in the process burnt 80 students to death and also abducted more than 100 others.

The ADF rebels where headed by a one Jamil Mukulu who has since been arrested and incarcerated by the Ugandan government.

The gruesome and unfortunate occurrence at Kichwamba can only be compared to another that happened two years later on 17th March 2000 at Kanungu when over 700 followers where burnt to death in a church led by cult leader Joseph Kibwetere.

Like he has always done over the years, former presidential press secretary Tamale Mirundi again dropped another bombshell saying it’s a UPDF general and not ADF rebels that attacked Kichwamba technical Institute killing 80 students.

While appearing on his weekly interview on YouTube channel Kasuku live, the fearless Mirundi said,

“I told you on record that contrary to peoples’ perception, the person who attacked Kichwamba was not ADF, it was a UPDF general”

“The boy that he sent to burn Kichwamba called Benz was never charged” continued Mirundi without revealing the name of the UPDF general.

Mirundi was not yet done, he also said one day he will reveal to the world who shot down the Helicopter former Vice President of Sudan John Garang was traveling in at the Uganda – Sudan border.

Here at Ugolemwa we can’t wait for the day Mr Mirundi will reveal the names and we promise to let you know when he does.

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