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Singer Ronald Alimpa issues apology to mother


Those who don’t have mothers are always crying about how they wish they felt their mother’s love or could just re-feel it even just for a minute.

Yet those who still have them like singer Ronald Alimpa don’t know their value.

Alimpa a few days ago blasphemously insulted his mother with heavy words that no one would like to hear at all.

This saw the mother who was doing all she can to see that he recovers quickly leave his bedside.

As many people came out to criticize the one hit wonder singer, Mama Fina ceased her support towards him.

And it seems after feeling guilty and probably financially broke, Alimpa had come out to apologize to his mother.

He said that he’s so sorry for the words he uttered and his actions.

Therefore he will ne going to the village to apologize to his mother.

“I am sorry and my apologies go out to everyone who was hurt— Mama Fina and others. I am going to go to the village and apologize to my mother physically,” he said in an interview.

And as we all know that most mothers have a heart of gold, she will surely forgive him.

Alimpa’s problems arose after his mother blocked his friends who had brought him weed for smoking from accessing him.

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