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Video: Shock as priest kisses women on pulpit

Shock has grieved apical media users after a video made rounds on social media showing an Anglican priest kissing some of his female flock.

This priest known as Obeng Larbi did not just kiss on the cheeks but rather on the lips.

This happened as the rest of the audience cheered on loudly.

The incident happened at St Monica’s College of Education in the Ashanti region in Ghana.

According to sources, school authorities are witch hunting the student who recorded and shared the video.

One of the students said that this priest did this as an act of appreciation.

Its however not clear what he was appreciating them for.

“The father in the video kissing the students didn’t know we were going to post the video,” the student said.

“We were not comfortable with the situation, that’s why we were shouting. This is the first time he’s doing this. He gave the school chaplain a kiss and then did (the) same to the three female Bible readers. The third girl the father kissed is a virgin and that’s why she gave her cheek to the father to kiss but he forced and kissed her lips.”

The Anglican church said that they were saddened by this act and were going to take the necessary precautions.

“The Church is saddened by the news and wish to state expressly that thorough investigation has immediately been instituted into the matter and the action of the said Priest would be dealt with in accordance with the norms and values of the Anglican Communion where morality is extremely revered in the Church,” the church said in a statement.

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