International Entertainment

Video: Watch revellers fan stinky singer’s sumbie

Hmm social media really has it all, you will basically see things online that you had never fathomed before.

Well one of these is a video showing how fans resorted to fanning the private parts of a female singer.

This musician squatted in front of the revellers and started singing with hwr legs wide apart in a skimpy outfit.

It seemed like the odor that was coming out of her was so unpleasant.

A fan in front of her then started fanning away the odor.

This singer seemed to think that she was being cheered on.

She later however go to know that this fan was getting suffocated by the odor coming out of her.

Apparently she was like let me give you that stench like you have had it before.

She increased the energy at which she was performing on and went ahead to part her legs wider.

As if her mission got complete, she stood up and continued the performance.

Seems like she served them more than what they had anticipated for.

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