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Truth about MP Dickson Kateshumbwa and Esther Birungi’s hot videos



Ugandans on Twitter (UOT) over the weekend were left buzzing after being promised 18+ videos.

This followed a certain hacker taking over Sheema Municipality MP Dickson Kateshumbwa’s Twitter page.

This hacker pointed out there were videos of the MP and Esther Birungi one of the most followed and famous Ugandans on Twitter.

Ugandans as usual started peddling rumors about how they had seen some of the videos.

This had their fellows begging for these videos

However a thorough investigation showed that there are no such videos.

This had Esther ranting on Twitter on how she’s disappointed in Ugandans.

She said that these fellow tweeps had made her go through hell well knowing that there are no videos.

Esther also wondered why this hacker of all people on Twitter had chosen to use her.

“I am extremely disappointed in UOT. The hell you people put me through yesterday well knowing there was zero videos and pictures really disturbs my mind. All for what? Fun? Violence? Vibes? It sickens me that we have gotten to a point where we have normalized cyber harassment.
I really wonder why I was picked as the punching bag for all this drama, like out of everyone here the hacker chose me. Is this God’s favor or a curse???
I’m really confused,”

“Thank you to everyone that checked on me and especially to those that took further steps to call me,y’all are amazing. God knows my heart is clean and every weapon formed against me shall destroy it’s fashioner.”

Meanwhile MP Dickson Kateshumbwa managed to recover his Twitter account.

But reputations such as Esther’s and NBS TV news anchor Samson Kasumba begging the MP for paint for his house couldn’t be cleaned.

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